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Budget & Taxes
Some things are worth investing in -- that requires re-direction, and revenue.
According to some economists (see The Economist, 10/12/2019) this period of very low inflation and very low interest rates is a very good time to invest in the nation's crumbling infrastructure. Over the last two decades, at least, our political leaders appear to have been more interested in tax breaks for the wealthy than in considering the needs of the average Texan.
The budget and the revenue structure should be updated to reflect priorities articulated by a much broader array of voices than we have ever heard before in the Lone Star State. Some people worry that this approach risks "killing the goose that laid the golden egg", but most of the golden eggs were going a very small group of Texans.
Furthermore, local Texas governments, such as municipalities and counties, should be given more revenue-generating authority and flexibility to be able to address some local needs.
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